
Load all users in the instance

All users in a particular instance can be loaded using the API. In the received information you will find their information such as name, nickname, email, login, etc.

Endpoint [GET] /System/People on the API you can easily try.

You can find more information about the endpoint and its parameters in our API documentation

Load a specific user in an instance

Using the API, one specific user can be loaded according to his identifier in a given instance. In the received information you will find, for example, name, nickname, email, login, etc.

Endpoint [GET] /System/People/{id} on the API you can easily try.

You can find more information about the endpoint and its parameters in our API documentation

Retrieve orders for a specific user

Using the API, all orders of a specific user can be retrieved according to his identifier. It is possible to state whether we also want canceled or completed orders. In the information we receive thorough information about orders.

Endpoint [GET] /System/People/{id}/Orders on the API you can easily try.

You can find more information about the endpoint and its parameters in our API documentation

Creating a new user

Using the API, you can create a new user and set up the necessary information, such as name, login, contact information, etc.

Endpoint [POST] /System/People on the API you can easily try.

You can find more information about the endpoint and its parameters in our API documentation

Last updated